00:26:25 Annmarie Gregory NY: John, are they being recorded? 00:27:11 John Warren NY: I'll check with clinicians to make sure it's OK. Not sure we have a vehicle for sharing, but I'll work on it. 00:33:13 Audrey: Hi Eric! 00:33:20 Eric Williamson - Brooklyn, NY: Hey Audrey!!! 00:34:06 Craig Knapp - Long Island, NY: E Nor!! My man!! 00:39:09 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: https://newsingersensemble.weebly.com/ 00:42:16 Holly Barber, MO (she/her): Me too!!! Thank you so much, Doreen. That blog post was a LIFESAVER. 00:47:52 Edward Norris: shout out to the happy hour crew❤️ 00:52:09 Paige Hardison: Good morning. It’s so good to see so many familiar faces and names from all over the state. Thanks to Panel members for sharing your stories of how you’ve kept things going for your choirs since mid-March. 00:55:57 David Fryling: Here’s the Page Kimberly referred to: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mecol 00:58:00 Ann Murphy NY: Amazing how we all had very similar experiences! 01:00:04 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: Suggestions for WAYS of thinking about music teaching and technology: TPACK Framework (Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge); SAMR : The ways we integrate technology: The letters "SAMR" stand for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition. 01:00:23 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: ALSO: The Creative Music Strategy: A Seven-Step Instructional Model Nathalie G. Robinson, Cindy L. Bell and Lenore Pogonowski, Music Educators Journal, Vol. 97, No. 3 (March 2011), pp. 50-55 01:04:24 Joe Cambareri - Syracuse, NY: Amen Eric 01:06:58 Sarah Gleason: Thank you, Andrea! 01:07:11 Christine Howlett (Canada!) (NY): Thank you, panelists! It’s great to hear from all of you! 01:08:21 Ann Murphy NY: Thank you all for sharing! Great to know I was not alone! 01:08:54 Allison Hungate Wood: []' 01:14:21 Charlotte Botha: Thank you for saying this, Eric. 01:14:22 Edward Norris: yes! 01:14:33 Allison Hungate Wood: Yes, thank you, Eric! 01:14:38 Ciara Cornelius: Yes sir!! 01:15:18 Tim Newton SUNY Oneonta: Excellent Eric 01:15:47 Tim Reno Albany: Yes!! 01:16:21 Jen Rafferty, Cortland NY: YES! Thank you Eric! How do our programs represent and support our community cultures? 01:16:43 David Fryling: Black Voices Matter 01:16:51 Leon Whyte NY: Wow! Great, Eric!! 01:16:54 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: YES. 01:17:07 Leon Whyte NY: This conference is amazing!! 01:17:13 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: TRUTH 01:17:21 Christine Howlett (Canada!) (NY): KEEP GOING, ERIC!!!! 01:17:36 Stacie Blackmore - NE: What websites do you use to get new music (and old music) from composers of color? 01:17:58 Brianna Brickman NY: Wow, thank you SO much for this. 01:18:01 James John, NY: Thank you Eric and Ed! 01:18:05 Tim Reno Albany: My HS choir director once told me that schools should not be a model of society but rather a model FOR society. What do we want to model? This is great, Eric! 01:18:08 Katherine Gould - NY: Thank you thank you thank you Eric 01:18:14 Allison Hungate Wood: I too am obsessed with Eric Williamson! 01:18:15 John Warren NY: Preach Eric! Thank you for inspiring us! 01:18:17 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: YES Bravo, Eric 01:18:21 Charlotte Botha: https://www.musicbyblackcomposers.org/resources/living-composers-directory/?fbclid=IwAR1I5AbNAZJiSqLQ9P9Zx843eSCbBWzbzEBSBufH5VX5GOy4KsOMGd1alxo 01:18:25 Joe Cambareri - Syracuse, NY: Write a book ASAP 01:18:42 David Fryling: https://www.blackvoicesmatterpledge.org 01:18:47 Arreon Harley-Emerson: Thanks, Eric! #Blackandproud 01:18:51 Monique Campbell Retzlaff: Bravo, Eric! BRAVO!!! 01:18:52 Stas Hoholuk, NY: Thank you Eric, and everyone else! 01:18:56 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: Yes, this pledge matters 01:19:07 Sean Linfors, Ithaca College: https://www.mlagmusic.com/research/beyond-elijah-rock 01:19:10 Monique Campbell Retzlaff: Thank you all. 01:19:13 Meagan Dissinger: Yay, Eric!! You’re amazing! <3 01:19:23 David Fryling: https://www.mlagmusic.com/research/beyond-elijah-rock 01:19:30 Craig Knapp - Long Island, NY: Thank you all!! So much great information in the last hour!! 01:19:34 David Fryling: https://www.composerdiversity.com/programming 01:19:37 Stacie Blackmore - NE: THANK YOU NY!!! 01:19:38 Alex Canovas - Brooklyn: Thank you Eric!!!!! 01:19:40 David Fryling: https://www.musicbyblackcomposers.org 01:19:59 Stacie Blackmore - NE: You guys are amazing and have your stuff together. Thanks for letting the outsiders in. 01:20:23 Meagan Dissinger: Can we expand from content and repertoire to also include pedagogies? Our ways of teaching are strongly rooted in Western practice. How can we challenge those practices? 01:20:26 Danika Locey, OR: This Oregonian is loving every second of this! What Stacie said- thanks for welcoming in the outsiders :) 01:20:31 Michael Slon: Thanks to panelists!, and good to see NY friends 01:20:49 Stacie Blackmore - NE: @Meagan....YES!!!! 01:21:26 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: BRAVO NY ACDA 01:21:27 Brad Drinkwater: Thank you, Dr. Fryling and panelists! 01:21:29 Michael: Thank you panel and NY-ACDA for this great discussion forum. So helpful and needed! 01:21:30 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: The question I want to keep asking and find out from others… What are some of our deeply imbedded assumptions and beliefs about “choral music” and “choral music education” that need to be challenged and prodded? 01:21:44 David Fryling: https://quod.lib.umich.edu/u/ump/14078046.0001.001 01:21:52 Matthew Swope FL: THANK YOU SO MUCH! 01:21:53 Adam Good NJ: Thank you!!!!! 01:21:53 Christine Howlett (Canada!) (NY): HURRAY!!!! 01:21:54 David Fryling: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26662695?seq=1 01:21:55 Tim Reno Albany: Thank you all!!!!! 01:21:55 Elisabeth Cherland, MN: Thank you!! 01:21:58 David Fryling: https://www.jstor.org/stable/40327298?seq=1 01:21:59 Leon Whyte NY: THANK YOU!! 01:22:00 Kathy Perconti NY: thanks! 01:22:02 Laura Inman NY: THANK YOU ALL!!! 01:22:03 David Fryling: https://iupress.org/9780253046918/humane-music-education-for-the-common-good/ 01:22:04 Allison Hungate Wood: Thank you, panelists, and thank you NY-ACDA!!! 01:22:05 meg messina: Thanks so much! 01:22:06 will (Corning, NY): Thank you thank you thank you?! 01:22:06 Leon Whyte NY: Good to see ya, Kim!!! 01:22:06 carrie: Thank you thank you!!! 01:22:07 David Fryling: https://www.ofbyforall.org/resources 01:22:08 Jennifer Chudacik: Thank you all!!! 01:22:11 David Fryling: https://nmbx.newmusicusa.org/reflections-on-segregation-and-representation-in-choral-music/ 01:22:12 Benji Wittman: Thanks 01:23:14 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: yes. CHORAMOR! 01:23:18 Charlotte Botha: ChorAmor is great! 01:24:56 Shoshana Hershkowitz: Here's the link to get involved in Chor Amor. They've had great training on the virtual choir tech, and I've sung on Christopher Harris' piece, and you can sign up for Tesfa's project "Love Is" next month. 01:24:59 Shoshana Hershkowitz: https://www.choramor.com/get-involved 01:25:00 Stacie Blackmore - NE: If you guys haven't listened to the podcast 1619, get on that. There is an episode dedicated to music. I love these conversations! 01:25:18 Meagan Dissinger: Also - NYS Senate Bill S2937A which requires all NYS schools to integrate culturally responsive education for all students at all grade levels is pending. How are we engaging in culturally responsive work? 01:25:38 Sarah Gleason: Tefsa’s piece is incredible!! You don’t want to miss it! 01:25:42 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: Everyone, please sign up for Tesfa’s project “LOVE IS” 01:25:57 Shoshana Hershkowitz: As far as a good read at home this summer, I can't say enough about Ta-Nehisi Coates' work "Between the World and Me". A fairly brief, and remarkable read. 01:26:20 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: #ERICWILLIAMSON2020 01:26:26 Joe Cambareri - Syracuse, NY: ^ 01:26:40 Edward Norris: real talk 01:26:40 Stacie Blackmore - NE: ^ 01:26:52 Meagan Dissinger: I strongly recommend “White Fragility” Robin DiAngelo 01:27:01 John Warren NY: Thanks for sharing all the resources Dave 01:33:22 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Yes!!! Say that! 01:34:17 Alicia Jones: Gale Jones Murphy!!! 01:34:24 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Love her! 01:34:45 Alicia Jones: I am teaching because of her. 01:34:57 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): She is AMAZING!!! 01:35:34 Alicia Jones: She recruited me to assist her and teach. I quit corporate because of her. She is awesome! 01:35:44 Brad Drinkwater: Perfect. Thank you for meeting us all where we are on our journeys. 01:36:17 Joe Cambareri - Syracuse, NY: i.e. Christopher Jackson as Washington in Hamilton 01:37:07 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Yes! 01:39:38 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Be intentional! Thank you! 01:40:49 Daniel Afonso: We love you, Penny!! 01:41:12 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Yes M. Roger Holland! 01:41:17 Arreon Harley-Emerson: I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! 01:41:22 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): #Brooklyn 01:41:34 Erin Moore: Penny you did this at All County with one of my students last year and it is now his favorite choral piece ever 01:41:41 Alicia Jones: yes 01:42:29 Charlotte Botha: Snaps for that chord 01:42:52 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: My piano fingers love that one :D 01:43:01 Tim Newton SUNY Oneonta: ditto 01:43:22 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Very glitchy 01:43:33 Paige Hardison: Would it be possible (at some point) to get the pieces being presented in the session listed by composer/title/publisher? 01:43:34 Carol Evans: who wrote Lord make me an instrument? 01:43:42 Joe Cambareri - Syracuse, NY: https://www.giamusic.com/store/resource/lord-make-me-an-instrument-print-g5627 01:43:52 Stacie Blackmore - NE: There are some really powerful pieces out there that are voiced for advanced choirs that I'd love to be able to do with fewer voices. I work in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Have you guys reached out to composers about revoicing or being able to alter the voicing to fit your groups? 01:44:06 Allison Hungate Wood: Seconding the request for the list of pieces by composer/title/publisher 01:44:29 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: I believe Penny said she’d be sharing the spreadsheet. 01:44:37 Holly Barber, MO (she/her): Penny will share a spreadsheet with all of the resources she’s sharing at the end of her presentation! 01:44:39 David Fryling: Yes–as Penny said at the beginning, this list will be available on nyacda.org tomorrow 01:44:53 Alicia Jones: Love Deidre Robinson! 01:45:06 Paige Hardison: Thanks—sorry I missed that announcement. 01:46:16 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: YAY! JACE!!! 01:46:32 Tim Reno Albany: Jaaaaaace!!!!! 01:46:56 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Amazing!!! 01:49:29 Christine Howlett (Canada!) (NY): Jace, is there a resource for diction that you would recommend? 01:50:35 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Do the work! 01:50:48 Rachel Kerr: Was that a unison piece, Jace? Sorry, I missed it if it was. But that could be a great option for schools in the fall, as we try to navigate more online or hybrid spaces! 01:51:28 Charlotte Botha: That was unison, yes 01:51:33 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): I LOVE THIS PIECE!!! 01:52:00 Alicia Jones: I love this song! Sang this in college! 01:52:44 Alicia Jones: The recording is not quite correct. 01:52:50 Jace Saplan: Rachel, yes the piece is a unison piece! 01:53:00 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Second that Alicia 01:53:43 Alicia Jones: Proud Aeolian alum here! 01:53:48 Bill Culverhouse - Binghamton U in NY: Alicia and Eric, can you clarify? 01:54:02 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): The recording kind of white washes the style 01:54:13 Tim Reno Albany: Hi Daniel! 01:54:14 Christine Howlett (Canada!) (NY): Hi Daniel!! 01:54:17 Jared Berry NY: Yay Daniel! 01:54:36 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: Hello, Daniel! #UOFIOWAFOREVER 01:54:41 Bill Culverhouse - Binghamton U in NY: is there a better recording? 01:54:50 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: GO KAWKEYES! 01:54:54 Allison Hungate Wood: Go Hawkeyes! 01:55:02 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: Ha! HAWKEYES 01:56:52 Karen Bruno WI: This is my choir program. Hi, y’all! :) 01:57:18 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: I LOVE THIS 01:57:31 Daniel Afonso: Thanks, Amanda!! :) 01:58:09 Alicia Jones: This piece is beautiful! 01:58:19 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Beautiful! 01:58:28 Julie Coggiola - NY: Yes Elisa Dekaney! 01:58:47 Allison Hungate Wood: Thank you for the IPA!! 01:58:58 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Hey Marques!!!! 01:58:59 Daniel Afonso: You're welcome! 01:59:01 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: It’s also great to use native-speaking students, if they feel comfortable (in addition to doing the work, of course) 01:59:20 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: To help with pronunciation, I mean. 02:00:02 Alicia Jones: Hello Dr. Garrett! 02:00:12 Karen Bruno WI: Agreed, Kimberly - we brought in a student’s mom to aid in pronunciation (in addition to the IPA) 02:00:19 John Warren NY: This is a tremendous resource! Thanks Marques 02:00:49 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: Yes! One of my 6th grade boys who is often very quiet in class, was a WHOLE new person when he helped us with Arabic. Like night and day! 02:00:52 Christine Howlett (Canada!) (NY): AMAZING 02:00:53 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Dr. Garrett is the truth! 02:00:55 Charlotte Botha: I am SO THANKFUL that this resource exists. Thank you thank you thank you 02:01:01 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: YES 02:02:24 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Stunning writing! 02:02:26 Alicia Jones: Gorgeous 02:02:27 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: WHAAAT. 02:02:27 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: WOw 02:02:28 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: How refreshing! 02:02:30 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: OMG 02:02:33 Allison Hungate Wood: Oh my god that is gorgeous 02:02:45 Paige Hardison: Beautiful. 02:02:51 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: So….. I guess everyone’s doing that this fall haha. 02:03:04 iPad (2) john banks: oh Goodness that’s gorgeous! 02:03:13 Ann Murphy NY: This is my treble Choir's favorite song! 02:04:12 Joe Cambareri - Syracuse, NY: This is awesome 02:04:24 Kathy Perconti NY: love this! 02:04:30 Leon Whyte NY: This is giving me life - the lyrics!!!!!!!! 02:04:46 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: My students LOVE Plena!!!!!! 02:04:48 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): LOVE PLENA!!!! 02:04:51 Edward Norris: this mini-conference is amazing! thank you NYACDA ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 02:04:54 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): My kids love it!!!! 02:04:55 Tim Reno Albany: Hi Diana!!! 02:04:58 Allison Hungate Wood: Oh I love Plena so much!!! 02:05:00 PHILIP SILVEY: Diana rocks! 02:05:01 Aaron Peisner, NC: Hi Diana! 02:05:13 Karen Lerner: Hi Diana, Karen Lerner from Omega last summer! 02:05:34 Alicia Jones: Parte Boricua aqui! 02:05:47 Daniel Afonso: Woohoo!! Diana en la casa!! 02:06:11 Diane Griffin: Check out Ella's Song by Sweet Honey 02:06:18 Alicia Jones: Yes!!! 02:07:36 Leon Whyte NY: THIS IS AWESOMENESS! 02:08:13 Paige Hardison: Love this! 02:08:25 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): This piece also works as a TBB piece if you work with changed voices 02:08:30 Kathy Perconti NY: wow 02:08:40 Alicia Jones: Love this! 02:09:00 Joe Cambareri - Syracuse, NY: Wepa!!! 02:10:05 iPad (2) john banks: idiom? non idiomatic? don’t get this usage 02:10:36 Diana Sáez, Towson University MD: Hola!! It’s so nice to see all of you. 02:10:40 Diana Sáez, Towson University MD: WEPA!!! 02:10:53 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Thats church Marques hahaha! 02:11:03 Jared Berry NY: YES!!!!! 02:11:23 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: YAY EASTERN REGION! 02:11:29 iPad (2) john banks: the kids were awesome in this! 02:11:54 Stacie Blackmore - NE: Thank you for 2 part! 02:12:13 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Yes thank you for two part! 02:12:46 Craig Knapp - Long Island, NY: yay for 2-part! Thank you!! 02:13:12 Diana Sáez, Towson University MD: Marques!! You are an amazing composer. 02:13:18 Charlotte Botha: This is a JAM! 02:13:19 Danika Locey, OR: Programming the HECK out of this!! 02:13:19 Arreon Harley-Emerson: LOVE IT! 02:13:22 Alicia Jones: Yes 02:13:22 Marques Garrett (he/him): Thanks, everyone! 02:13:31 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Thats a bop Marques! Love it! 02:13:34 Marques Garrett (he/him): And Diana, I already wrote down Plena to do either this year or next. :) 02:13:42 Marques Garrett (he/him): Bop on, Eric! 02:15:11 Diana Sáez, Towson University MD: Thanks for saying that, Ahmed. Not all Latin-American music requires drums. 02:16:01 Michael Goede (he/him): My apologies if this was answered earlier. I had to arrive late. Will the complete song list be shared. 02:16:08 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: yes 02:16:13 Michael Goede (he/him): Thank you! 02:16:21 Matthew Swope FL: So grateful for all of these guests! Huge shout out for making the necessity of a Zoom session into an ADVANTAGE! 02:16:36 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Agreed ^^^ 02:16:50 Holly Barber, MO (she/her): Thirded!!!^^^ 02:17:16 Megan Burrell, NY: Love this piece! 02:17:25 John Warren NY: amazing leadership by Doreen and Penny! 02:17:40 Brianna Brickman NY: ^!!!!!!! 02:17:45 Megan Burrell, NY: ^^ 02:19:07 Ryan Fellman, Ithaca: Gracias por todo tu trabajo Ahmed! 02:19:30 Marques Garrett (he/him): Thank you, Penelope, for including me today. If anybody has any additional questions about the non-idiomatic choral music of black composers, I’m available to chat via email through my website. 02:20:56 Ryan Fellman, Ithaca: Bringing some spice to Minnesota! 02:21:24 Ahmed Anzaldua: It's usually about 40% slower... this was an encore and we were all hopped up on adrenaline. 02:21:26 Ahmed Anzaldua: Thanks everyone! 02:21:27 Stas Hoholuk, NY: Thank you again for all the wonderful discussion and resources! 02:21:34 Daniel Afonso: Thanks for the invite, Penny! Great to see my colleagues from NY!! If anyone needs help with Brazilian music, please email me dafonso@csustan.edu 02:21:51 Kathryn Schneider (New York City Bar Chorus): Wonderful session! Have to leave soon -- will the rep lists or the presentation be available afterwards? 02:22:08 Tim Reno Albany: Yay Bill! 02:22:42 David Fryling: Yes, rep lists will be available on www.acda.org 02:22:59 Andrea Stock: Yes Arabic!!! 02:23:05 Doreen Fryling NY: I’ve done this piece and the singers LOVED it. 02:23:12 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: Fabulous. 02:23:38 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): This is beautiful 02:23:43 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: I love this 02:24:00 Maria Rueda NY: LOVE THIS PIECE!!! 02:24:11 Julie Coggiola - NY: This is SUCH a fun song to sing!! 02:24:21 John Warren NY: Nilo went to Syracuse! 02:25:41 Alicia Jones: Nice1 02:25:43 Arreon Harley-Emerson: That’s amazing! 02:25:46 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Love it! 02:25:54 Christine Howlett (Canada!) (NY): So much energy! 02:26:03 Julie Coggiola - NY: The ending especially is very exciting 02:26:04 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Exigence!!! Love them! 02:26:17 Kathy Perconti NY: kids would get into it for sure 02:27:36 Karen Bruno WI: We’re doing more listening and exploration in this new online format - no reason singers can’t study music they won’t sing b/c it’s too difficult 02:27:49 Stacie Blackmore - NE: I love all these pieces, but I worry about accessibility as far as difficulty and voicing. Thanks Karen 02:28:09 Stacie Blackmore - NE: These texts are so important and I worry we can't do these because they are so hard 02:28:15 Christine Howlett (Canada!) (NY): Thanks, Penny! 02:28:19 Charlotte Botha: Thank you so much Penny 02:28:20 James John, NY: Penny, thank you, this was such a great session! 02:28:21 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: Penny - this is what a “reading session” really should be. Thank you SO much for this. I want you to re-do this whole thing again for my choral ed students. :) 02:28:28 Ahmed Anzaldua: Thanks for the invite, Penelope! I've got to go, and can't stay for a Q & A, but if anyone has any questions feel free to email info@bordercrossingmn.org -- We also have PDFs of our concert programs, recordings, and lesson plans and curriculum for some of the music on our website: bordercrossingmn.org 02:28:30 Elisabeth Cherland, MN: Thank you so much! 02:28:37 Shoshana Hershkowitz: Thank you, Penny, Dori, guests, and panelists. Y'all did an amazing job. 02:28:40 James John, NY: Doreen, thank you for organizing this—it was great. 02:28:50 Karen Bruno WI: This whole two hours was AMAZING. Thank you so much for inviting those of us beyond the NY borders! 02:28:51 Ann Murphy NY: Thank you Penny! 02:28:51 Maria Rueda NY: Thank you, Penny!!!! 02:28:51 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): AMAZING PENNY!!! 02:28:55 Brad Drinkwater: Thank you so much! This was wonderful! (Brad’s wife commenting for both of us!) 02:29:01 PHILIP SILVEY: Penelope rocks! 02:29:07 iPad (2) john banks: thanks so much guys!! great session 02:29:09 Meghan Test NY: Thank you so much!! Amazing!! 02:29:09 will (Corning, NY): This has been so amazing! Comforting, inspiring, awesome! 02:29:11 Tim Reno Albany: Thank you so much Doreen, and Penny, and everyone! This has been a wonderful morning!! 02:29:13 Karen Lerner: Fantastic so important so much to think about and investigate 02:29:14 Andrea Stock: Thank you so much! 02:29:19 Kaity Melker - LI, NY: Thank you!! This was absolutely wonderful. 02:29:20 Laura Inman NY: Thank you, this was wonderful!! 02:29:23 Rachel Carlson MD/WV: This was wonderful!! Thank you all for letting us join in from other states! 02:29:31 Alicia Jones: This was great! 02:29:33 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: ALL ORGANIZERS- Congrats for all of this. Stellar. 02:29:33 Wendy Looker: Thank you so much for this, Penny & Dori! So great to be in NC and attending my home state’s conference! I’m a SUNY Geneseo/Orchard Park High School grad 02:29:39 Kathy Perconti NY: thanks so much 02:30:47 Timothy Westerhaus: Thank you for this rich offering! grateful to be able to join you from Washington state due to NYACDA’s hospitality! 02:31:04 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Yes!!! Wonderful idea!!! 02:31:14 Seanna Silver NY: Thank you so much everyone! Its great to be inspired and get excited, especially in a time filled with so much negativity. This was needed! 02:31:28 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: YES! Ditto to Penny AND have your students do some of the arranging for what works for their own voices. 02:31:34 Arreon Harley-Emerson: You can also look for the original folk arrangements. Those tend to be less complex than arrangements. 02:32:40 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Yes Doreen!!! 02:32:51 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Apply pressure to the publishers! 02:32:52 Jennifer Hartnett MA: YES!!! 02:32:57 Daniel Afonso: Please consider commissions, too! 02:32:59 Brad Drinkwater: YES YES YES! (It’s Lauren) 02:33:10 Christine Howlett (Canada!) (NY): Consortium Commissions. YES! 02:33:18 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: PREACH 02:33:18 Daniel Afonso: Composers are always willing to work with you on what you need! We all want our music performed. :) 02:33:21 Leon Whyte NY: That’s right! That’s action! 02:33:21 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: Maybe this is something we as NY-ACDA do- re: letters to specific publishers. 02:33:30 Rachel Kerr: In my phone call with JW Pepper, they said “there are not that many composers of color” so it’s basically not their fault. Sheesh. 02:33:37 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Gross 02:33:38 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: Wow. 02:33:50 Tony Alvaro NY: I have to run, but THANK YOU for these sessions! 02:33:50 Kathy Perconti NY: what?!? 02:33:52 Rachel Kerr: Keep on em, folks. 02:33:57 Daniel Afonso: @Rachel: Pepper is WRONG. 02:34:20 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Say that! 02:34:24 Alicia Jones: Especially for middle school choir. You cannot find many choral composers of color for middle school choral music. 02:34:45 Stacie Blackmore - NE: Yes Alicia! 02:35:08 Alicia Jones: Yes Kristine! 02:35:20 Brad Drinkwater: Agreed, Alicia! 02:35:27 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Say that! 02:35:51 Alicia Jones: yes 02:35:59 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: Thank you Kristine Jones- WE HAVE TO CHANGE our audition/ admission requirement to ENTER schools of music as well in order to represent this reality. 02:36:11 Diana Sáez, Towson University MD: I agree with Daniel. We are always willing to work with you and may even have other resources. 02:36:25 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: This can be part of a larger discussion related to who ends up in our state, regional, national honor ensembles 02:36:32 Rachel Kerr: I would encourage everyone here to reach out to many of the large publishers and distributors and give this voice 02:37:16 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): You’re breaking up Kristine. Idk if it’s just my computer 02:37:19 Stas Hoholuk, NY: So much truth here from Kristine! 02:37:31 Christine Howlett (Canada!) (NY): We need her to say all of that again…I’m missing it, too! 02:37:32 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: Yes KIMBERLY! Festivals and contests. We HAVE to push back on this re: State, local, national festivals and festival Rep Lists ie: NYSSMA manual…. 02:37:48 Diana Sáez, Towson University MD: You are so right, Kristine. Latin American music is also taught the same way. We should value learning ‘by ear’ much more. 02:37:54 Alicia Jones: Your breaking up again 02:37:55 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: Well, the NYSSMA manual, yes, that’s another issue. 02:38:04 Kathy Perconti NY: breaking up agai\\ 02:38:20 Alicia Jones: Love you Kristine! 02:38:21 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: I need Kristine to repeat the last part of what she said. 02:38:30 Leon Whyte NY: We missed much of what Kristine shared :-( 02:38:58 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: This should also be a huge topic for R&R chairs…and how they promote/provide and source materials for individuals AND reading sessions. 02:39:01 Craig Knapp - Long Island, NY: I’m on the YSSMA Manual committee for treble choir for NYSSMA Major Organization Levels 1-3, so please E-mail if you have suggestions, MrKnapp1@aol.com 02:39:11 Craig Knapp - Long Island, NY: NYSSMA* 02:39:16 Stas Hoholuk, NY: Kristine, would you be willing to type up a synopsis of what you were explaining based on that standpoint? There was audio trouble during your share... 02:39:18 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: Thank you Kathy Perconti and Craig Knapp. 02:39:21 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: Also for solos though; not just choral. 02:39:49 Paige Hardison: Thanks for speaking to NYSSMA manual and NYSSMA’s current efforts to be more inclusive—it IS being worked on. 02:39:53 Doreen Fryling NY: manual@nyssma.org 02:39:54 Craig Knapp - Long Island, NY: Solo is an issue as well, I’m not on that committee though, just Major Organization 02:40:05 Karen Bruno WI: Amanda, yes - I have been hollering about how R&R folks have been asked to provide resources for reading sessions for more than a decade. We have been told we have to stick to what publishers provide for us on more than one occasion. 02:40:17 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: I also wonder if there was an element of “BYO” music… What if there was room for doing rep that was not on any list? 02:41:09 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): ^^^ Yes! 02:41:33 Jared Berry: I went to Katie to be in the committee but was told no thank you 02:41:45 Alicia Jones: Yes, yes, yes 02:41:54 Leon Whyte NY: WOW, Jared 02:41:56 Veronica Mainville: NYSSMA’s governing body needs MUCH more diversity. 02:42:34 Edward Norris: agree 100% Veronica! 02:43:14 Jared Berry: NYSSMA needs an overhaul 02:43:23 Kathy Perconti NY: thank Craig! 02:43:30 Karen Bruno WI: Craig YES!!! This is what happens at the divisional and national level for ACDA R&R as well. Has been happening for years. I’ve had great fire pit fodder… 02:43:36 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: Publisher driven. Let’s make it teacher driven. THANK YOU CRAIG. 02:43:44 Johanna Land NY: Craig I will send you titles for I-III. Thank you for advocating for elementary-level groups. 02:43:53 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: Hi Johanna! :) 02:43:57 Brad Drinkwater: Thank you , Craig! 02:43:59 Johanna Land NY: Hi Kim :) 02:44:47 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: YES. AGREED. ORGANIZE. 02:44:49 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Absolutely! 02:44:56 Joe Cambareri - Syracuse, NY: And that is precisely why I was so appreciated to be invited to this. Thank you. 02:44:56 Craig Knapp - Long Island, NY: I can be reached at MrKnapp1@aol.com 02:45:10 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Yessssssss!!!! 02:45:11 Kathy Perconti NY: anyone want to email Katie Struzk directly manuel@nyssma.org 02:45:13 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: This was my favorite zoom call of the past 3 months. 02:45:25 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: CONNECTICUT IS WILLING TO ENGAGE WITH NYACDA! 02:45:28 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: We’re all here because we WANT to do something :) Let’s do it! 02:45:38 Christine Howlett (Canada!) (NY): YAY AMANDA! 02:45:54 Kathy Perconti NY: or my email is comea@nyssma.org 02:46:46 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: Yay Amanda! And I will speak for VT and say I know they would on board as well. Stefanie Weigand (my sister :) & now Caleb Pillsbury! 02:47:15 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: YES, ANDREA!!! 02:47:37 Alicia Jones: Yes 02:47:53 Rachel Kerr: More resources at “Social Justice Music Educators” and “Decolonizing the Music Room” on Facebook 02:48:07 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): ^^^ Wonderful group! 02:50:37 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: Yes - THIS is what I mean about who gets into our honor ensembles. Those who are able to afford the private lessons; especially instrumentalists. 02:50:38 Leon Whyte NY: That’s powerful - “Music was written down so that other people could perform it.” 02:50:56 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): So true, PREACH! 02:51:19 Kathy Perconti NY: absolutely! 02:51:44 Leon Whyte NY: Kim - that’s so true! Even in our regular classes at school. The rich kids get in to orchestra. The less rich into band, and choir is for everybody else. Has to change! 02:51:53 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Celebrate both! Learn both! Teach both! 02:51:55 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: We also need to be willing to reach out…to TRY without fear of making mistakes 02:52:20 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: Or not necessarily those who can afford lessons, but more those who have access to (that includes $ reasons, but there are many other reasons why). 02:52:37 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: Kristine THANK YOU! AND we in music teacher ed programs MUST be doing this in order to not continue to perpetuate the barriers 02:53:17 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Yes Dr. Maas! We have to prepare current and future music educators to do this! 02:53:29 Leon Whyte NY: Kristine!!!! 02:54:02 Joe Cambareri - Syracuse, NY: Excellent point 02:54:23 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): We have to teach singing at the root, not all singing is that! 02:54:24 Alicia Jones: Pine Forge Academy 02:54:27 Leon Whyte NY: That’s right!! Ed Reisert once said, that if it’s healthy and artistic then go ahead!! 02:54:34 Paige Hardison: Eric Williamson—RIGHT—teach it all; Kristine Jones, thanks for your input—really important. Gotta go, but thanks to Doreen and Penny for organizing this event, and to all composers who contributed and opened our eyes and ears. Take care, all—see you next time. 02:55:06 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: Again- assumptions and values that must be challenged- Specific and narrow notions of #blend #choralsound 02:55:15 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Yes yes yes! 02:55:22 Alicia Jones: I do too! 02:55:50 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Yes yes yes! 02:56:17 Leon Whyte NY: Kristine how can I connect with you? 02:56:24 Joe Cambareri - Syracuse, NY: ^ Seconded 02:56:28 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: Come to Crane. :) 02:56:34 Katherine Gould - NY: Kristine, Thank you!! 02:56:40 Christine Howlett (Canada!) (NY): Thank you everyone! 02:56:41 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: Thank you Kristine! 02:56:47 Craig Knapp - Long Island, NY: THANK YOU DOREEN and panelists!!! 02:56:51 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Thank you Kristine! Thank you Penny for an AMAZING session! 02:56:51 Kathy Perconti NY: yes thank you to everyone! 02:56:52 Joe Cambareri - Syracuse, NY: Thank you all. 02:56:54 Adam Good NJ: Thank you, Kristine! 02:56:55 Aaron Peisner, NC: Thank you all! 02:56:56 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: Thank you Penny! 02:56:57 Kaity Melker - LI, NY: Thank you everyone! 02:57:01 Eric Williamson (Brooklyn, NY): Thank you Doreen for organizing!!! 02:57:08 Andrea Maas-Crane School of Music NY: I feel so lucky to have been present here. Thank you for including me!!!! 02:57:09 Stas Hoholuk, NY: Thanks again! 02:57:09 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: This was amazing. Thank you, everyone! 02:57:11 Kristine Jones: I am Kristine Jones from KIPP Academy West Middle School in Houston Texas. 02:57:13 Katherine Gould - NY: Thank you NY-ACDA for these amazing sessions! 02:57:15 Leon Whyte NY: Thanks, everyone! Great to see familiar faces! 02:57:17 Kristine Jones: Thank you everyone 02:57:20 Kimberly Dunkin - Westchester County: Beautifully organized, Doreen & Penny! Thank you again for having me! 02:57:20 Diana Sáez, Towson University MD: Great session!! Thank you everyone. 02:57:22 Kristine Jones: Kristinegospel@gmail.com 02:57:23 Adam Good NJ: Thank you for organizing this!!!! 02:57:25 Amanda Hanzlik CT - ACDA: #ACDAFOREVER 02:57:35 Alicia Jones: Thank you! 02:57:39 Jennifer Hartnett MA: Thank you so much! 02:57:46 Holly Barber, MO (she/her): Thank you!!